We often forget how fortunate we are to have this amazing planet to live on.
In 2020, we celebrated the fiftieth earth day, so here are 50 ideas to make our planet healthier. We encourage you to try at least one of them.
Thank you for being on the planet with us!
Stare at the clouds moving around in the sky, and wonder where they have been.
Go to water.org and learn about clean water efforts
Visit your local zoo’s website and read the last three articles.
Think about something you can reuse, instead of recycling.
Take a walk (safely) and admire at least two trees, bushes or plants.
If you can, plant something, or order something you can plant.
Watch the sunrise or sunset.
Teach your kids, nieces, nephews – younger people in your life – about why ecology matters.
Donate to a favorite charity.
Put your hands in soil. Thank it. Yes, then you can wash your hands.
Learn about an animal you love – research online and find a YouTube video.
Encourage your co-workers to think about one thing they love about the planet.
Remember a favorite outdoor spot – beach, mountain or forest – and why you love it.
Find a new read (digital or audible) about our earth and enjoy it.
Identify one thing you can reduce your consumption of to benefit the planet.
Go to your favorite earth website (or find a new one) and read three articles.
Think of one thing you like about every season.
Draw or write one page about what you love about our planet.
Review your recycling and see if there’s something else you can include.
Take five deep breaths and think about what you can do to keep our air clean.
Find a diagram of our solar system and appreciate how awesome planet three is.
Make a plan to grow one vegetable to eat this year.
Offer to help, safely, an older neighbor clean up their yard.
Write a letter to the official of your choice about why the planet matters to you.
Write an email to the CEOs of your favorite companies, thanking them for the good things they do for the planet.
Buy one share of stock of a green company.
Read about what was happening the year of the first earth day (1970).
Listen to your favorite songs that talk about the planet.
Make a plant, tree, or globe out of clay, Legos, or whatever else you have around.
Be thankful for the amazing resources on our planet.
Consider how fast the planet is spinning, and yet how we don’t feel it. Read about the science behind why that works.
Hug someone in your household and thank them for being around on the planet with you.
Try to identify the birds singing in the morning where you live.
Consider where on your commute (once shelter at home is over) you could walk, bike, or take public transportation.
Think about how you can help those without a home.
Be thankful for your home.
Look at your utility bills and see if you can opt-in for green energy programs.
Learn about renewable energy – wind, solar, geothermal and others.
Consider volunteering at a local organization – lending your skills to help their cause.
Tell your friends on social media why the earth matters to you.
Watch a documentary about an animal or wild area you don’t yet know about.
Imagine if trees could see and talk, what stories they would tell us.
Plan a hike, kayak or something in nature for after shelter at home is over.
Use google maps to fly over a favorite spot or a new one. Zoom way out to look at earth.
Learn about composting.
Research what other countries are doing to curb impacts humans sometimes create.
Think about taking shorter showers to conserve water.
Review your household cleaners to see if they are eco-friendly.
Look at your personal hygiene products and use earth-friendly ones where possible.
Post this on your social media and encourage friends to do at least one of these!
Previously published on Raddadrules.com.
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Photo credit: istockphoto.com
The post Celebrate Earth – Do One of These 50 Things Today appeared first on The Good Men Project.
#EarthDay #Environment #Recycle #Birds #EnvironmentalAwareness