What I Eat in a Day (in Lockdown) #1

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Breakfast, 10am

During lockdown, I’ve been starting every morning with a bowl of greek yoghurt topped with whatever berries I can find in the fridge. Today it was huge blueberries. Recently, I’ve discovered chia seeds, and so now sprinkle some of these on too.

I normally also add some granola (my favourites are those from Dorset Cereals), but since I baked banana bread the other day, I swapped the granola for a slice of this, buttered of course (but with Flora).

This was all paired with a cup of tea (black, no sugar!). A perfect start to the morning.
NB. I actually took this photo the next day, when I had the exact same breakfast, but with raspberry yoghurt instead as we’d run out of Greek yoghurt.

Lunch, 1:30pm

I’ve always been a huge fan of bagels, particularly those from the New York Bakery Co. I normally just get the original or wholemeal ones, but have recently discovered the Red Onion and Chive flavour, and it’s safe to say I’m a big fan! Something else I love is smoked salmon, which I topped the toasted bagel with, along with some cream cheese and slices of cucumber.

To bulk out the meal a bit, I added some veggies (half a yellow pepper, cherry tomatoes and some more cucumber). I normally dip these in humous, but we’d just run out, so I had them on their own today.

I also got myself another cup of tea (PG tips is the favourite in my house).

Snack, 5pm

I was feeling peckish, so grabbed a nakd Bakewell Tart bar – these are AMAZING! Aldi recently started doing their own version of these (I think they’re called “Tru” bars) and they’re almost identical – I always get them when I’m at uni.

I also refilled my water bottle (that I sip on throughout the day) as I was going out for a bike ride (16.6 miles if you’re interested). I love this water bottle so much (so much that when I lost my first one, I immediately rebought the exact same one).

Snack, 6:30pm

When I got back from my bike ride, I was starving and so wanted something to keep me going while I cooked dinner.

I had one of these Activia no added sugar raspberry yoghurts – another of my absolute favourite things at the moment (and something else that Aldi does extremely well!).

While I was cooking I had a few of these plain almonds.

Dinner, 8pm

Tonight I cooked chicken, leek and mushroom pie with roasted new potatoes and vegetables. Check out my post about how I made it here.

I had an aperol spritz with it, and a decaf PG tips afterwards.

I often have some fruit and/or something sweet (eg. some chocolate) after dinner, but tonight I was stuffed so went without!
Date: 12.05.20

5-a-day count: 9

Steps: 3,777 (this was when we were only allowed out for exercise once a day)

Exercise: 16.6 mile bike ride + 30 mins of blogilates abs

Calories burned: 2,117 (according to my fitbit)

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