I've been absolutely useless in keeping up with the boys' siblings updates now they've gotten older, although I do still capture a picture of them together every month.
I think it's important though, to document their days together during this very strange time we're living through.
It's now 9 weeks since the boys were in school and I look back astonished now at how naive I was when the schools first closed, thinking that they'd probably just have two weeks off and be back again. It's now looking like they won't be back before September, and possibly even later than that.
When your children's formal education needs suddenly falls unexpectedly into your list of responsibilities it's quite daunting. Getting them to do school work can be hard at times and the thing I'm most worried about is Tyler's reading ability going down and Beau not learning how to colour/write properly - we're still trying to figure out if he's right or left handed.
During this time I've become more and more aware of just how much of an age gap there is between the boys. I always thought their 3 years wasn't that much, but they're definitely at different levels and sometimes it can be hard to find activities that they both enjoy.
We've spent a lot of time outdoors these past few months, which is much needed as the boys have tons of energy to burn off! Tyler likes cycling his bike and has learned how to ride on the road - a great milestone he's achieved during lockdown. I've had to resort to putting Beau in the buggy again to get out and about on our walk, but he's a great man for walking the hills.
Beau is almost four, but he's still such a baby really. He comes into our bed every night and I wonder if he's anxious due to all the changes we've had recently. He still loves cars and has asked for even more for his birthday next week. He's missing school and his little friends there - he was just starting to get used to it and loved being there so much.
Tyler is missing the routine of school. He misses his friends, he wants to visit places we can't at the moment. I'm not looking forward to the day when I have to tell him there'll be no summer holidays and he can't see his grandad. I think he's finding it all a bit hard and has gone a bit dolally as of late. We try to keep him active and occupied though and his new favourite thing is watching a movie each night - he loves ones about dogs and kids who are ninjas.
All they have right now is each other and all we'll have for the summer are little adventures, but we'll make the most of it.
They've made lots of great memories together during all of this already and with Beau's 4th birthday next week I'm sure they'll have lots more fun together. #Siblings #Family