Here is my Lady Shake Review. I wanted to try them to see what they were like!
Since I hit my forties, I’ve struggled with my weight. I used to be one of ‘Those People’ – I could eat a cream bun for breakfast followed by a chocolate milkshake and a big sausage roll and I’d still be size 8. Sadly – not anymore. Now I just look at a cream bun and my jeans get tight. Like all women, my age has caught up with my eating habits. And it sucks. I hate it. And I love the sweet stuff!
Why I’m Trying The Lady Shake
I’m on the wrong side forty-five. I’m a size 10 up top and 12 down below. Now I have to seriously WORK to stay this size. I watch everything I eat or my weight creeps up and creeps up FAST. I feel comfortable at my current weight (I’m about 67kg and 173cm) and I want to stay here. This weight is where I feel my strongest and happiest. I’m certainly not stick-thin anymore, I have curves and I love them.
The heaviest I’ve been is 80kg (see picture below). I hated it. I felt gross. It took me three years to lose all the weight – and now I want to maintain my current weight.
Today, I exercise five times per week, I walk around the block and I mountain bike ride when I can. I’m fairly active but I hate exercise as a rule.
This is Not a Paid Review
I purchased the shake with my own money. I wrote what I really thought of it.
Why I Wanted to Try and Review The Lady Shake
The one thing I really struggle with is lunch. Finding something to eat for lunch that is healthy – but not heavy – and convenient. Because if I don’t have lunch, I end up eating chocolate peanuts and family-sized barbecue chips at 3pm – and that doesn’t help my waistline at all!
I’m a ‘lazy eater’. If I haven’t already prepared a healthy lunch – I’ll probably skip lunch and then be ravenous. Mum’s do it all the time – because we are busy and forget to eat, then stuff our face when an opportunity arises.
I also want to significantly reduce the amount of sugar I consume. I know it’s bad but I’m a sucker for sweet things.
I love the convenience of weight loss shakes – and if they do their job correctly (ie are filling and palatable) then they are the perfect light lunch for people too busy to cook like me. The thing is – many weight loss shakes have a nasty texture – and some textures really make me sick. So I purchased the Coffee Flavoured Lady Shake to give it a go and give an honest lady shake review of how I found it.
The Advantages of The Lady Shake
The thing I like about The Lady Shake most of all is that is LOW IN SUGAR! Unlike most of the other weight loss shakes which are simply a glorified protein shake, The Lady Shake is a healthy meal replacement shake that has been designed for women’s needs.
The Lady Shake has up to 84% LESS SUGAR than other meal replacement shakes. That’s mental!
The only other total meal replacement shake on the market is Optifast.
It is also gluten-free!
Review of the Lady Shake Weight Loss Shake
First of All – Why I chose The Lady Shake Coffee Flavour?
Seriously no matter what type of weight-loss shake I try, coffee is what I always go for – I’m not particularly a fan of chocolate flavoured shakes – and I like to compare all the other weight loss shakes so I stick to the one flavour I really love! Plus caffeine!
The Lady Shake comes in the following flavours:
- Chocolate
- Banana
- Caramel
- Strawberry
- Choc-Mint
- Vanilla
- Coffee
- Birthday Cake
I haven’t tried the Birthday Cake flavour yet but I’m going to order some and I’ll let you know!
The Lady Shake Review: Nutritional Information

The Lady Shake contains high-quality whey protein, is low in GI carbohydrates, high in fibre, contains vitamins and minerals that support a women’s body and the formulation was put together by a dietition.
Can Diabetics Drink It?
Yes!! How good is that! The Lady Shake team says that there are many diabetics on The Lady Shake Program – because the shake is so low in sugar and low in GI carbohydrates, it is diabetic-friendly.
Each of The Lady Shake serves only contains 2.3 grams of sugar which is less than 10 times than some of the other weight loss shakes on the market.
The Lady Shake Review: How it Mixes?
I mixed one scoop of The Lady Shake mix with 300ml of cold water and a whole lot of ice. You can use milk instead and I think skim milk would actually give a really delicious end result. The water-based one wasn’t bad – I do add ice as then it tastes like an iced coffee and I do find that adding ice to weight loss shakes makes them a bit more palatable.
I always mix my weight loss shakes in a blender – I find it mixes well and blends the ice into the mix.
Review of The Lady Shake Weight Loss Shake
The Lady Shake Review: Taste?
Quite nice. It is sweet, but not too sweet like some other weight loss shakes. The Lady Shake Weight Loss Shake has a nice coffee flavour but not too strong. Sure – it is no iced coffee that you would buy from the shop – but it is drinkable and pleasant. The fact that I can drink the whole lot without even a thought about heaving is excellent!
When you mix it with Skim Milk and ice – it tastes like an iced coffee – delicious!
The Lady Shake Review: Texture?
Hmmm even though I mixed it with ice, The Lady Shake texture is still a little tiny bit ‘gritty’. It kinda tastes like those shakes your Mum made you when you were a kid to fatten you up – you know the ones with Weetbix… but not THAT gritty.
But on a positive note – because The Lady Shake is thick – it does fill you up. It was very filling and I was certainly not hungry after drinking this – and it contains LOADS of fibre which is one of the most important things in weight loss shakes – because if it doesn’t have enough fibre, you will be hungry an hour later.
I still think having The Lady Shake Weight Loss Shake with skim milk would be better.
All Weight Loss Shakes Make You Fart
Now I have tried A LOT of weight loss shakes over the years – I do love reviewing them honestly and faithfully. But I’m yet to find one that doesn’t make you have disgusting farts at day three of drinking them. This one is no exception. I could power a small city. I do recommend taking something for gut health if you are thinking of doing the whole weight loss shake journey. It really does help with the flatulence.
Sorry if this is too much information – but hey I’m all about honesty!
Did I Lose Weight?
I sure did! I lost anywhere between 0.8 and 1.2kg of weight every week whilst using The Lady Shake to replace my breakfast and lunch every day. Then I would eat a normal dinner with my family (usually meat and three veggies or similar).
If I hadn’t used skim milk instead of water I may have lost more weight – but I liked the taste of the skinny milk and it just made it feel more substantial.
I’m happy to say that I’m down 5kg now and am now sitting at my goal weight of 65kg.
Now I just have the shakes for breakfast and occasionally lunch when I’m not organised. I carry some around in my handbag for when I get stuck out of the house and need a meal (without having a meal).
They aren’t recommended for replacing all three meals per day.
My Final Opinion
- For taste, I give The Lady Shake 7/10. With skim milk instead of water I give an 8.5/10
- For texture, I give The Lady Shake a 6/10
- Satisfaction Factor I give The Lady Shake 8/10
- For healthiness, I give The Lady Shake a 9/10 (it has a five-star review)
I think The Lady Shake is a great option for replacing one meal per day. Sure it isn’t the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth (that would be a fresh, hot cinnamon donut) – but it is a weight-loss shake and at the end of the day, we can’t expect something that is so low in calories to taste like the full fat and full-sugar version. As far as weight loss shakes go – this is one of the best tasting and lowest in sugar!
More Reading: List of the Best Weight Loss Shake Options in Australia
Where Can I Buy It?
There are quite a few places you can get the shakes – but it is cheapest to buy directly from them!