My girls are back from Norway, Miss Sonja K. and Miss Charlotte Claire! And, they brought...
Norwegian chocolate!Charlotte Claire with Jonny and Sonja...together in Norway, he went to Germany from there, and will be there for a year!
Miss Char, skateboard girl.
Some garden snacks......and the pool...I LOVE it, just love love love it.
After physical therapy today, I found my way out there to the pool....ahh, so nice.
The week is shaping up to be busy: dentist appointments tomorrow, babysitting Wednesday, PT again on Thursday, then Saturday, a birthday party for little Ruth, and her daddy, Samuel...his birthday is actually tomorrow. Sam, my eighth child, 27 years old, how can that be?
My jet-lagged girls are napping the whole afternoon/evening away, they're not going to get back to any semblance of normal if they do that, but it's summertime...they had big lunches, and didn't have any input as to what they wanted for dinner, and I had a four o'clock snack (first meal of the day) of some bacon, a handful of cherries, and a spoonful of peanut butter. I wasn't hungry either, but I moseyed into the kitchen around five, and... we have zucchini from the garden! I had made zucchini muffins and bread the other day, and it was rather fun. I decided to make keto muffins, and the regular zucchini bread, so I started chopping and grating...I left the kitchen around 7:30. Between the clean up, and making myself three scrambled eggs for dinner, wow. (Paul had gone on a bike ride, then came in and made his own scrammies...Camille had toast with Nutella.
I also ate two of the muffins, so good, hard to believe they're low carb!
Her face, so cute.